Job: Student/The Seattle Times (I Babysit ads...)
Age: 26
What i want to be when i grow up: A therapist. And a telescoper.
Best thing that happened to me last week was: Reading Week... Wonderful Quality time with my beautiful wife... and no school work...
Why i let someone knit me a scarf with hardly any say in how it would look: It's me working through my trust issues.
Kj's Inspiration: Brent said I could do whatever I wanted, even if it included pink- which guaranteed that it would indeed include pink. Ideally, I wanted colors closer to black and magenta, but I like the happy medium I found based on what was available.
So I wanted to give him a scarf that said "Yeah, I'm wearing pink. You wish you could pull it off as well as I am!"
1 comment:
You rock, and are my hero... all at the same time.
Thank you so much for the wonderful scarface.
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