Going out to mailbox this evening, and what do I find, but an Amazon.com box. "Surely, this is for a roommate" I think to myself, since it's been months (okay, weeks) since I've ordered anything. But still, my heart holds a glimmer of hope before I read the address label, because there is truly, no more beautiful sight than that of an Amazon.com box in the mail. Especially when I have no idea what it is or whom it could be from.
A similar incident occurred last fall when a mystery Amazon.com package appeared for me which turned out to be the 20th anniversary edition of Moonstruck, which I immediately knew must be from Richard, because what other person on earth did I spend countless adolescent hours quoting Cher and Nicholas Cage with, but Richard, and of course Erin, (our 14 yr old Moonstruck threesome- does that sounds weird? Come to think, I meant that we were 14 at the time, but it also holds true that it was 14 years ago. Good Lord!). Also, I had just mailed Richard my OfficeMac software so he could get Excel, so that was a pretty awesome pseudo-surprise thank you.
Well, I opened the package today, yelped out loud as the bright yellow DVD packaging revealed itself to be Little Miss Sunshine, and read the note from Kim's Mom, the incomparably loving and thoughtful, Toni Hamlin of South Paris, Maine, who sent it to me as a belated birthday, Xmas, pneumonia recovery present.
This gift arrived as I was already riding a wave of joy and relief from numerous events of the day, not the least of which being, the removal/postponement of a giant homework assignment that was gonna be due Friday. And a new DVD to boot! Hallelujah! This, my friends, is why I have a 120 item public Amazon.com wishlist. You never know what DVD of your dreams will show up in the mail.
Thank you Toni! You've made my MONTH!! I love YOU!
What If Your Church Has Everything It Needs?
1 week ago
Isn't my mom awesome?
I recently got Mary Poppins, because my list only had two items on it. It pays to keep an updated list, the Tonester checks in often!
can you direct her to my blog so she can see she's famous? I'll call her this weekednto thank her, though.
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